Friday, February 6, 2009

Bridge progress

After all the trouble the building of this bridge gave me to start with. Its nice to report a week of relatively uneventful progress. I gave the structure a first coat of paint. Poly Scale "aged concrete" for the piers and abutments and a model master acryl "French Blue" (that I thought was going to be a bit less glossy than it turned out to be). Then I added some more hand rails from the package of handrails that I used on the lighthouse. These handrails though not easily breakable, do bend under the slightest touch and it is rather difficult to keep them straight and level. So the next progress on this model will be a second coat of paint, then some weathering followed by a spraying with dullcote to take the shine off the blue paint.
Some people might take issue with the painting of this bridge a bright blue. But the simple fact of the matter is this. It seems to be what the Japanese do. I looked at many pictures of bridges while researching this model and if the bridge isn't made from concrete then it's painted in a bright colour. Red, Orange, Blue etc: I don't know why it's just the way that it seems to be. It certainly makes a change from the rusting hulks I see over here.
The next project is the other bridge. A road bridge. That one will be based on a concrete structure.

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